Freeman Group in Tourism

Customized Service Culture Solutions in Tourism

Tourism success relies entirely on relationship building: from the initial interaction with the immigration officer through every interaction with every person in every sector during a visitor experience.

At FreemanGroup we custom build experience standards that tie directly into the marketing campaign and the culture of each individual tourism destination. These standards form the foundation of a training process designed to highlight the ambassadorial functions of each position in each sector that is supplemented by a robust and measurable data collection process.


5 Steps to Redefine Your Visitor Culture



Set Your Standards

Destination-wide standards of performance is the first step to creating an exclusive experience.

Clear standards of performance and job descriptions increase the likelihood that visitors will have the exclusive experience your destination promises and consistency amongst your staff. 

Whether you need help designing a new structure or redefining outdated standards, our content customization process will provide you access to our library of Standards of Performance Manuals and Job Description Templates will ensure your defined standards are measurable. Click here for a Sample Standards of Performance Manual.


Create Your Service Culture Blueprint

An actionable and measurable structure is necessary to sustain culture.

Our destination clients find a lot of value in our  Promises™️ Workshop which provides the structure for creating a desired service culture that consistently delivers on the marketing promises and improves patient engagement.

While creating this customized blueprint of promises, our team navigates leaders to define their desired culture and behaviors through actionable and measurable standards, at every guest touchpoint.


Develop Your Leaders

Culture can only be sustained if management leads it.

Unlike programs that have off-the-shelf answers to leadership, our Foundations™ Workshop and Leadership Development Series are custom designed and support leaders in the destination industry by equipping them with the skills needed to encourage and reinforce new behaviors that lead to improved customer experiences and performance scores.

To support a sustainable process, many clients put an internal resource through our Internal Resource Development & Certification process that helps maintain marketing promises and start Leading the Promises™ the operation.



Train and Coach

Side by side with our team, put your strategic blueprint into action.

Training and coaching without a logical progression forces a company to rely on staff to independently put together the pieces of every skill learned and apply it when the time comes. This is not ideal, so Freeman Group offers our Sequence of Service training. Our experts use the customized blueprint previously created with your senior leaders to develop your brand’s Promises™️ Workshop that your entire team will go through. 

Our Practices™️ skills training allows your destination leaders the opportunity to work side by side with our team to implement the desired cultural shift and practice new skills learned.


Measure Your Success

Evaluate your efforts and assess its real impact on the visitor experience.

Our comprehensive measurement tool captures customized data through qualitative and quantitative methodologies and measures your customer service delivery on the established standards of performance.

Real-Time Results

Custom KPI Goals

Drill Down Specifics

Trend Analysis Reporting